Akmin takes partnering seriously. We expect mutual investment for each other’s success. Partnership to us is a simple equation...every single valued partner equals tens of satisfied customers and millions of subscriber engagements.
At Akmin, we understand how important it is to deliver and support integrated products and solutions. Especially solutions that continue to provide unparalleled value to our customers. We also recognize the vital role our partners play, not only in our customers' success, but in our success as well. Which is why Akmin's partnerships are built on a strong foundation of integrity, mutual support and collaboration.
Akmin has partners today worldwide. For our customers, this means access to local expert who fully understand the local context and the comfort of familiarity. Most importantly, this means access to proven business solutions, rapid and cost-effective installation and implementation, complete life-cycle support, and bundled services and technology that greatly reduce the cost of ownership.
For our partners, the results have meant greater exposure and expanded business opportunities and access to a broad and growing customer base.
Are you interested in becoming Akmins Partner in progress? Please email at support@akmin.com